THE PROBLEM: The presence of flies indicates unhygienic condition in surrounding. The fly mechanically carry various germs due to its hairy and spiny body, its habit of vomiting or regurgitating on food to liquefy solid food for east absorption and its habit of sitting on filthy waste and again on prepared food. It is one of the dangerous insects as according to microbiologists more than 100 pathogenic organisms (disease carrying germs) are transmitted by files. Bacteria of typhoid, cholera, dysentery, gastroenteritis and viruses of polio jaundice, diarrhea, trachoma, protozoa of amoeba, eggs and cysts of various food items.
Silverfish prefer damp, warm conditions such as those found around kitchen and bathroom plumbing. Start by vacuuming the area to remove food particles and insect eggs. Silverfish can be easily trapped in small glass containers. Wrap the outside with tape so they can climb up and fall in. they will be trapped inside because they cannot climb smooth surfaces.
THE PROBLEM:Mosquitoes can carry some of the worst diseases known to man, such as malaria and yellow fever. A female mosquito may lay up to 1000 eggs during its lifetime. Male mosquitoes don’t bite. The female insert needlelike stylets from their proboscises into the victim’s skin. Their saliva prevents clotting as the mosquito drinks the blood. It’s the saliva that people are allergic to and that causes the swelling and itching.
THE SOLUTION: The control and preventive measure consist of following proper and hygienic for waste disposal, maintenance of cleanliness, prevention of breeding and killing files with adequate, proper use of insecticides by following correct methodology and techniques.
We offer our service to help solve your problem. General pest control treatment at prescribed intervals buys peace amongst many other things. Unlike old times, chemicals are now practically odorless, non-staining, and non-toxic have long residual effect the liquid concentrate with very low irritancy, particularly suitable for sensitive area as
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